Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coffee Break with Technology

This week we launched our new technology training initiative...COFFEE BREAK WITH TECHNOLOGY!  Brenham ISD is really working hard to offer new and exciting ways to deliver and receive technology training.  Beginning next week,  Ann DeBolt, Kim Strauss, and myself will be traveling to all 6 campuses in BISD to present mini technology training sessions.  This is similar to our' Troop BES Scout Meetings that I started in August.  Now, however, every campus will be able to participate!  Ann, Kim and I will rotate through each campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so each campus will have new content each week.  VERY EXCITING!  In January, you can attend the following sessions:

Create "Word Clouds" with Wordle! - Jessica Johnston
What is Project Share? - Ann DeBolt
Update your Website for the Spring Semester - Kim Strauss

To register, login to Eduphoria and go to "workshops."  Earn those tech bucks!